decomposers in savanna

Predator-prey relationships in the. Decomposers and Scavengers. Decomposers are organisms that consume dead plant and animal tissue and return the nutrients to the soil to fertilize
decomposers in savanna
What is decomposers? - Yahoo! Answers
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15.03.2008 · Best Answer: Decomposers are much the same in all areas, although species may vary. Decomposers consist of mold, bacteria, insects, larvae, worms, and
A common misconception is that the main decomposers in deserts are Dung beetle and termites.. Dung beetles and termites are detritivores which means they feed on
1. Common Soil Bacteria Nematodes 2. Sow Bug (Armidillidium vulgare) 3. Honey Fungus (Armillariella mellea) 4. Moss 5. fungi
Decomposers and Scavengers - Let the.
decomposers in savanna
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12.11.2007 · Best Answer: Decomposers (or saprotrophs) are organisms that consume dead organisms, and, in doing so, carry out the natural process of decomposition. Like
What are some decomposers in the South.